The Marvel Cinematic Universe will undergo a big change after Infinity war second part in 2019,many of the familiar faces will disappear and they all will be only in our fond memories.

Chris Evans,or commonly our beloved Captian America is in the brim of  exiting the film series ,Evans has been of two minds weather to leave or not but currently he is leaning towards the exit door.Robert Downey jr, who plays the role of the multi-billionaire and the genius Tony Stark  who is the Iron Man,has decided his retirement after Avengers 4.This will be sad news for the all the fans,since there wont be any other part to the Iron man or Captain America Series,and for the Avengers we all can expect that the Marvel Studios will find someone who will be perfect in the role.

Even though there are changes that makes as sad,we all can be happy that there wont be any change in the role of spiderman played by Tom Holland ,Dr strange by Benidict Cumberbatch ,and so the upcoming movies will be more concentrated on Spiderman and The Dr Strange.Most porbabbly there is going to be a Blackwidow movie played by Scarlet Johnson alog with Chris Hemsworth the mighty Thor


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