How to create Bank Draft - Or Check Draft - Paid by Phone Remote Check

How to create Bank Draft - Or Check Draft - Paid by Phone Remote Check: Bank Draft or Demand draft. Remote check created by the merchant on behalf of the payee with payee permission over the phone, fax - No Signature Required.

Remotely Created Checks, Bank Draft, Check Draft, & Demand Draft

Most of the business is unaware of the bank draft or check draft. It is also known as the demand draft. It is a remotely created check, created by the merchant with the permission of the payee- bank account holder. A bank draft is not required any signature from the payee by the law. You must have the proper authorization from the payee over the phone, fax or online, and keep a record of it.
Once you created a Bank draft, it can be deposited just like a regular check to your bank account. Bank draft does not have any transaction fee or Gateway fees like credit card or ACH. It is the cheapest way to get paid over the phone, fax, online, or link.


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